Marketing technology stack growth has exploded over the past few years. Today, marketing technology options reach into the thousands, with nearly 7,000 easily accessible options to readily choose from.
Choosing the right martech tools and solutions for your company can seem like an overwhelming and daunting task. In this blog, we outline some of the most important tips to consider when evaluating which marketing technology option is best for you and your business.
What is a Martech Stack
A marketing technology stack, or martech stack, is a compilation of tools and software that will help you execute your business’s marketing strategy as well as reporting customer data and analytics.
A complete martech stack can be an expensive investment. It is very important to make sure that you invest in the right martech stack for your business to ensure that you don’t waste any of your marketing budget.
Picking the right martech stack for your business will not only be a wise investment of your marketing budget, but it will also help streamline your operations. The right stack will allow you to integrate your marketing strategies and measures, and determine whether or not your strategy is meeting your acquisition, awareness and retention goals.
There is a plethora of martech solutions for you to utilize out there. Pick one that best suits your marketing strategy. When you define your strategy as the first step in finding your perfect martech solution, you eliminate the risk of letting your software define your marketing goals.
If you are choosing a martech stack for the first time or are transitioning from an old martech stack to a new one, there is always room for improvement on your current strategy. Identify areas of the current strategy that you’d like to expand upon and let that inform your new strategy. Next, look for technology that will help you execute that desired vision.
When creating your strategy, it is important to carefully consider the following questions:
Consider these questions carefully and allow the formation of your marketing strategy to be guided by their answers.
Once you’ve clearly defined your marketing strategy, your next priority should be to look for a martech solution that will allow all of your selected tools to work together cohesively and integrated with your existing technology.
For that reason, it is recommended that you consider building your martech stack with not only your marketing team, but also in collaboration with your IT department.
Working in collaboration with your information technology team will allow you to have the best chance at choosing the tools your marketing team wishes to use, while also ensuring that those tools can be utilized without disrupting normal business activities.
Another helpful feature you can look for in martech tools when choosing your stack are tools that allow you to centralize your data.
Customer data is the lifeblood of your marketing operation. It allows you to identify where your customers are, where their habits and preferences lie, and how to most effectively reach them. Centralizing all of that valuable data is absolutely pivotal to creating the most powerful martech stack.
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