The success of a business on social media can be defined in many ways, depending on who you ask. If you are trying to get the most likes, followers, retweets, subscribers, or whatever you think will give your business the most social media success, then here are ten tips for to get you started on social media.
When people use social media, getting something in return is the best feeling and often becomes the goal of interactions. A business can benefit from getting likes or comments on their posts because it means that potential customers are engaging with their content, so why not implement the same idea for consumers? Taking the time to like one of the consumer’s comments or even replying back with a simple “thanks for the support!” can go a long way. It will show that you are paying attention to them and they are not going unnoticed.
A business should stay up-to-date on current social media trends and which platform will work best for them. A lawn mowing business might use a different social media platform than a travel blogger. Knowing which social media network will get you the most engagement and interaction is beneficial before creating the strategy.
A business should keep its headers, bios, and any links up to date. The worst thing that can happen is a consumer clicking on a hyperlink to your website and it doesn’t work. This is a pretty simple step when looking at tips for social media. It’s not only important to keep all bio and contact information consistent across all platforms, but also important to make any updates to that information.
We can all agree that nobody likes spam. It gets overwhelming and can be annoying. It is better for a business to post what is most important, then giving a status update every single time something happens. But stay present! You should still post consistently.
The old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. This saying still stands, and a good quality picture can say a lot for your business. It makes you stand out and can give your business a professional and serious look. Original content is the best way to make your content uniquely attractive. It also gives you the ability to control 100% of your content and complete creative freedom.
Pictures can get boring over time, so switch it up with a video! If you create and post a video, it also needs to be visually eye-catching, just like your photos. It also needs to capture the audience’s attention quickly because attention spans aren’t long these days, so if you aren’t interesting within ten seconds, then they will move on.
Live videos are one of the newest emerging trends, and if you have a business, then it is probably a good idea to start joining the trend. This is a chance to show the audience what goes on within the business and who makes your business what it is. The consumer will see you as more authentic and will get to see you unscripted and unrehearsed.
Depending on the company, one of the popular choices of marketing are influencer partnerships to promote products and/or services. If the influencer is well known, the cost to partner is most likely higher than a micro-influencer. On the other hand, ask one of your consumers if you can repost their content. The consumer will most likely be happy to do it, free of charge.
Everyone can access the internet in the palm of their hands now. Some people choose to do everything on their phone, instead of opening a laptop or going to a desk. As a business, it is important that consumers can access your awesome website on both a desktop and a mobile phone.
Last but not least, conducting content analysis is extremely important in regards to tips for social media. Rather than assuming what people like, you should analyze the results to know for sure. For example, you might assume that your costly, high-level production video will get you the most engagement, but after deep analysis you find out that your audience responds better to a simple picture of someone happy engaging with your business. Pay attention to the numbers! You might be surprised to see what is working and what you might need to rethink when creating content.
While this is a great start, this list is only a sneak peek of tips for social media to drive success. Whether you are looking to start from scratch, need a better social strategy, or just don’t have the time to manage your social – work with a social media consultant to drive the best results. If your business needs help getting a head start on its social media presence, please reach out to us for a free social consultation.
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