Most content sharing platforms frequently emphasize the quantity of engagement as opposed to quality. This may influence companies to devote efforts and resources to attract high levels of traffic. This strategy is not necessarily bad, however, most results are not sustainable from a profit standpoint. Companies that achieve high click-through rates and web traffic may still find discrepancies in their profit margin. On the other hand, some companies struggle to obtain regular views and adequate exposure. Wherever you are on the spectrum, we are here to elaborate on how to increase high-quality traffic to your website
High-quality traffic consists of users or individuals that are likely to convert to customers and make purchases from your company. This is different from high quantity traffic which focuses solely on numbers rather than audience intention. However, both types of traffic are beneficial to your company and maintaining both is optimal. Quality traffic drives sales while quantity traffic promotes brand recognition and awareness.
Completing in-depth research and analysis of your targeted audience makes it substantially easier to attract them. Utilizing real results gives you insight into what actually adds value to their lives rather than any preconceived notions or assumptions. When you identify your high-value customers you can determine how they buy, what they’re willing to spend, and where they populate. Some audiences prefer specific features and buying experiences; being aware of these wants will help you provide those services to them. Additionally, gauging audience spending habits will inform you of whether you need to reduce or increase your current prices. Furthermore, knowing your audience enables you to create a space they want to interact with and populate. Being aware of all these factors will help you create content that attracts more of these high-value individuals.
Knowing your audience will help you determine how and where they like to spend their time. Your strategy should focus on making your content easily accessible to this group both virtually and physically. Certain demographics tend to populate specific environments and social media platforms more than others. If you are focusing on the wrong areas you will promote brand awareness but not generate high-quality traffic. Make sure you are reaching individuals that are likely to convert by ensuring your content is where they are.
Knowing your competitors is just as beneficial to your company as knowing your audience. Conducting a competitor analysis will help you discern the weaknesses and strengths of each competitor. Additionally, you can determine what to avoid, what to try, and what to learn about. Looking up your competitors in Alexa can provide you with insight into what marketing channels drive traffic for your competitors. Utilizing this information can help you establish your company as a strong competitor and increase traffic to your website.
Inaccurate keywords are a major cause of high levels of traffic with little to no conversions. Keywords need to reflect your products and services because they draw in specific people with specific needs. Misusing these virtual “road signs” will result in high bounce rates because you do not provide these users with what they are searching for. To remedy this, select conversion-based keywords and create content that aligns with your funnel.
There are keywords that attract users in each stage of your conversion funnel. To attract awareness-based traffic start with general keywords related to your industry regarding tips and introduction information. To increase traffic to your website, use keywords more specific to what services or products you offer. You may notice that some SEO phrases will make it easier to rank on search engines, but remember, high traffic does not generate high-quality traffic. Being mindful of your purpose will make keyword selection easier and more effective.
One of the biggest tips for a high rank on search engines is to provide users with useful and relevant content. As time goes on, some content becomes outdated and is no longer applicable to the topic or industry. Combat this by providing fresh and relevant content tailored to the high-quality traffic you are looking for. New content can be incorporated through relevant and informative videos, podcasts, blogs, infographics and more. Depending on your workload, low maintenance options may be more manageable for your company. This can be something as simple as a product review or a comments section on your website. Any form of consistent engagement is rewarded with a high rank on search engines. This will communicate that your company is reliable and can provide users with relevant services or products.
You may find that there is a niche blog or podcast that your target audience tends to interact with. Since it is harder to create a following and maintain regular blog content, guest blogging is the way to go. When creating the blog, be mindful that many people overlook the author and concluding paragraphs. Craft your article so that your call to action is sprinkled evenly throughout in a subtle way. Additionally, when discussing recommendations, include a backlink to your website as the second or third option to avoid sounding biased. This is a great way to boost brand recognition as well as increase traffic to your website.
Viewing high traffic results on your analytics tool may seem satisfying, but it’s not everything you should focus on. Ensure you know your audience and can distinguish high-value traits and characteristics. Determining the behavior and persona of these clients can help you create appealing content and services that generate high-quality traffic. Utilize intentional keywords for each consideration stage of the conversion funnel to help your content reach intended audiences. Additionally, stay up to date with your competitors and capitalize on your strengths within the industry. Furthermore, relevant content helps you rank higher and makes it easier for high value leads to engage with your site. Make sure you’re consistently updating content and reaching out to wherever your audience populates. Every business decision should be purposeful and that is what will make the difference between receiving low and high-quality traffic. Questions? Feel free to reach out to our team here.
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